Fall Meeting Since 2002, E-MRS has organized an annual Fall meeting in Warsaw, Poland which provides another opportunity for scientist in Central and Eastern Europe to become involved in the work of the E-MRS. The conference is augmented by an exhibition of products and services of interest to...
2014 Fall in Warsaw University of Technology September 15-18 2014 Warsaw University of TechnologyMorbi sed ante vitae nisl vulputate ullamcorper. Duis mollis accumsan purus. Ut tempor pede ut urna. Proin volutpat ligula quis sapien. Sed ultrices augue eget risus. Sed mollis, ligula fringilla...
2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2015 Spring Symposia & program Plenary session Exhibitors Workshop EU-40 Materials Prize Summer school CO2 Tutorials 2015 Fall Symposia & program Plenary session Exhibition Materials weekend - tutorials Summer school CO2 M-ERA-NET 2014 2013Exhibitors...
D. Zhang, R. (John) Wang, X. Wang, Y. Gogotsi,In situmonitoring redox processes in energy storage using UV-Vis spectroscopy,Nature Energy, (2023)https://doi.org/10.1038/s41560-023-01240-9 10:35-Joachim Maier, Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Physical Chemistry of Solids, ...