## Auth as username or auth as clientid. ## ## Value: username | clientid auth.mnesia.as = username Author cocoaway commented May 3, 2021 @zmstone Hi, the mnesia_auth plugin does not recognize authorized user from non authorized. I've set the emqx_auth_mnesia.conf with : auth.u...
加盐后存储的密码需要同时选取盐对应的字段,例如 select password, salt from mqtt_user where username = '%u' limit 1。 也就是说: MySQL数据库表中保存的 password 是加密后的值 客户端输入的是明文密码 emqx-auth-username auth.user.password_hash 的描述: TypeOptional ValueDefault enum plain, md5, sha...
在成功启动emqx_auth_username该插件时,会开启对应的 REST API 用于在运行时管理username 获取所有的 username # RequestGET api/v3/auth_username# Response{"code": 0,"data": ["username1"] } 添加一个 username: # RequestPOST api/v3/auth_username {"username":"some_name","password":"password"}# ...
@hostname = @port=18083 @contentType=application/json @userName=admin @password=public ###查看已有用户认证数据### GET http://{{hostname}}:{{port}}/api/v4/auth_username HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: {{contentType}} Authorization: Basic {{userName}}:{{password}} 1. 2. 3. 4...
在DashBoard的左侧点击“插件”一栏,找到 emqx_auth_clientid 插件,点击开启(这里我已经命令行开启,所以显示停止): 客户端登录测试 因为mqtt.fx不能设置clinet id 密码,所以暂不测试。 4. Username 认证插件 emqx_auth_username提供了Username 认证功能,目前只支持连接认证,通过 username 和 password 认证客户端,此...
emqx_auth_username提供了Username 认证功能,目前只支持连接认证,通过 username 和 password 认证客户端,此插件在存储密码时会按照配置的 hash 算法将明文加密后存入。 停止EMQ-X服务 在配置插件之前首先停止服务: cd emqx ./bin/emqx stop 配置Username插件 ...
“”},super => #{headers => [],method => post,params => [{“clientid”,"%c"},{“username”,"%u"}],path => “/mqtt/superuser”,pool_name => ‘emqx_auth_http/super_req’,pool_opts => [{host,{192,168,1,12}},{port,9000},{enable_...
Running my emqx docker as follows:docker run -d --name emqx -e EMQX_LOADED_PLUGINS="emqx_auth_username" -p 18083:18083 -p 1883:1883 emqx/emqx:latest I want to use authentication via user and password, which is why I want the pluginemqx_auth_username, but the logs of docker tell me...
auth.http.auth_req.params = clientid=%c,username=%u,password=%P #超级用户 auth.http.super_req.url = auth.http.super_req.method = post auth.http.super_req.headers.content-type = application/json auth.http.super_req.params = clientid=%c,username=%u ...
auth.http.super_req.url = auth.http.super_req.method = post auth.http.super_req.headers.content-type = application/json auth.http.super_req.params = clientid=%c,username=%u #权限认证 auth.http.acl_req.url =