Series 5.7. Emptying a urinary catheter bagSeries 5.7. Emptying a urinary catheter bag. British Journal of Healthcare Assistants , 10(1), pp. 12–13doi:10.12968/bjha.2016.10.1.12Menna Lloyd JonesMark Allen GroupBritish Journal of Healthcare Assistants...
The present invention relates to a balloon catheter to the fluid within the gastrointestinal jejunum infusion liquid. 它具有由柔软的管壁包围而成的至少两个相互隔离的管腔,其特征是一个管腔的前端封有囊;其余管腔与囊隔离,且其前部的管壁上开有至少一个通孔. It has at least two lumens separated from...
a bladder with a catheter.The device can be connected with a drainage pipes specified to function as a system hidrodinamicamente balanced (to empty into a typical bag collection of two liters).The device can be connected externally to a cycle urinary catheter for use in hospital, clinical or...