I am currently using this thesis template: https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/iit-bombay-unofficial-latex-ph-dot-d-thesis-template/fybkvhqjqqsf . In the appendix, for some reason, it creates sometimes empty pages. For example: \section{A} \subsection{A.1.} \begin{table}[H] \cent...
1 Why are even pages empty? 0 Inserting empty verso pages in ‘book’ 0 Latex book class remove vertical space before References 0 Thesis sometimes creates unwanted empty pages Hot Network Questions I am having trouble using an NPN transistor as a switch Shor’s Factorization Algorithm u...
Reported before. Empty pages are created using miktex and latexpdf during make process. Even if make goes through.
The site generated by these programs can be hosted on GitHub Pages.Note TakingNotebooks for ResearchersFindings: Your research assistant & lab notebook, all in one app.EditorsMarkdown, LaTeX, and reStructuredText are the three useful languages. In most cases, a tweakable text editor such as ...
Because of that I need to add a blank page after every page of content. I don't want to do this manually using \newpage or \clearpage because there are too many pages. Is there any LaTeX command (or package) to do this (automatically)?