LOS ACUERDOS DE COOPERACIN DE LAS EMPRESAS QUE COTIZAN EN BOLSA: ANLISIS DEL CASO ESPAOLAlliancesquoted firmsNCSMThis work examines 2486 cooperative arrangement announcements signed by firms that quote in the Spanish stock market during the period 1990-2002. To investigate, its more prominent ...
METODOLOGIA PARA ESTIMAR EL COSTO DEL PATRIMONIO EN EMPRESAS COLOMBIANAS QUE NO COTIZAN EN BOLSAThe objective of the following investigation is to found a methodology in order to calculate the equity cost for companies no listed on the stock exchange market. During the i...
Los impuestos como determinantes de la inversión empresarial. Evidencia empírica en empresas españolas que no cotizan en bolsaThis paper analyzes whether business companies investment decisions are affected by the desire to alleviate future tax payments measured in terms of the net deferred taxes ...