This research analyzes the performance of two sustainable rural firms located in Puebla Mexico. One is "Canned fruit of Xoxhiapulco" and the other is "Toasted Peanuts of Chiautla". Both of them belong to the National Network of Sustainable Rural Development (RENDRUS in Spanish) The main role...
(2012). Estrategias de mercadotecnia en empresas manufactureras de la zona metropolitana de la ciudad de puebla 2010. (spanish). [article]. Marketing strategies of manufacturing firms located in the metropolitan zone of puebla mexico 2010. (english), 7(1), 1150-1158....
Therefore, the research question is: How is the organizational structure that prevails in small construction companies in Puebla, Mexico?M�ndez, Rafaela Mart�nezSocial Science Electronic Publishing
Vera Munoz, Maria Antonieta Monserrat, Rafaela Martinez Mendez y Jose Gerardo Serafin Vera Munoz. 2013. "Ca- racterizacion de los trabajadores de las empresas maqui- ladoras localizadas en Tehuacan, Puebla, Mexico". Revista Internacional Administracion y Finanzas 6 (5): 95-117....
strategiesThis paper presents a study of strategy implementation in the small construction company sector of Puebla. The goal is to understand the particularities of small companies and the possible threats, opportunities, markets in which products are targeted and the types of strategies used. A ...
CARACTERIZACIÓN DE LOS TRABAJADORES DE LAS EMPRESAS MAQUILADORA LOCALIZADAS EN TEHUACÁN PUEBLA, MÉXICO. (Spanish).In this paper an analysis is presented of the particularities of people who work at the assembly plants garment located at Tehuacan. In doing so, a revision is done by some ...
Therefore, the research question is: How is the organizational structure that prevails in small construction companies in Puebla, Mexico?MéndezBeneméritaRafaelaBeneméritaMartínezBeneméritaVeraBeneméritaMuozBeneméritaMaríaBeneméritaAntonietaBenemérita...