Define empowerment. empowerment synonyms, empowerment pronunciation, empowerment translation, English dictionary definition of empowerment. tr.v. em·pow·ered , em·pow·er·ing , em·pow·ers 1. To invest with power, especially legal power or official
Joe Wood Therefore, part of the cure for poverty wasempowerment—training the residents of a poor neighborhood to organize themselves and learn to get things from the power structure.— Nicholas Lemann 2 :the state of being empowered to do something:the power, right, or authority to do somethi...
The definition of empowermentEmpowerment is a management tool that employers use to enable employees to develop themselves. On the one hand, it focuses on discovering and employing the talents of employees.On the other hand, it focuses on stimulating employees to grow. Every position within an ...
Empowerment definition: the giving or delegation of power or authority; authorization. See examples of EMPOWERMENT used in a sentence.
Popular in Wordplay See More Top 10 Sophisticated Insults Flower Etymologies For Your Spring Garden More Words with Remarkable Origins Terroir, Oenophile, & Magnum: Ten Words About Wine 8 Words for Lesser-Known Musical Instruments Games & Quizzes ...
Definition:Empowerment Contract Type Jurisdiction Country Include Keywords Exclude Keywords Additional filters are available in search Open Search Empowermentmeans that theservice systemensuresthe rights, dignity, and ability of individuals and their familiesto exercisechoices, take risks, provide input, and ...
Empowerment is the power granted by one person or institution to another. The government can grant empowerment to a department to effect change, or a person can grant empowerment to her lawyer to sign contracts on her behalf.
1.1. Definition Empowerment measures the maximum controllability of the agent over the environment from a information-theoretic perspective. It's the channel capacity between the action sequencea→K:=(a1,a2...,aK)and the final statesKcondition on the current states. E...
Define empowerments. empowerments synonyms, empowerments pronunciation, empowerments translation, English dictionary definition of empowerments. tr.v. em·pow·ered , em·pow·er·ing , em·pow·ers 1. To invest with power, especially legal power or offi
What is the definition of empowerment? What does empowerment do for employees? How do you empower employees? What are essential factors for employee empowerment? Why is employee empowerment important in the workplace today? What are the advantages of employee empowerment? What are the thre...