Speaking of strong female leads, enter the leading ladies ofHidden Figures: Octavia Spencer, Taraji P. Henson, and Janelle Monáe. Together, they tell the untold true story of three brilliant Black women, who were the brains behind NASA’s launch of astronaut John Glenn. ...
At first, being a female role model really terrified me. But it hasn't turned out to be an awful burden. I get a lot of letters from women who tell me that, after watching Xena, they have bought the Harley-Davidson they always wanted or left an abusive relationship. —Lucy Lawless 10...
Men marry women with the hope they will never change. Women marry men with the hope they will change. Invariably they are both disappointed. —Albert Einstein 229 I never see what has been done; I only see what remains to be done. —Marie Curie 216 Growth And Change Quotes Without enough...
“I asked her to send me the names of her role models, with a description and some of their quotes,” says Davina, 40. Role models included activist Rosa Parks and chemist Alice Ball, both of which featured in Issue one of Sadé. From there, they began to talk about what they would...
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Quotes A collection of quotes from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Walt Disney Quotes Collection of Walt Disney quotes, sayings, philosophy, and general take on life. Chinese Quotes A collection of Chinese quotes and proverbs. ...
KeplerJimmie Aaron KeplerJimmie Keplerjimmiekepler.comJustCreateJustStartLiveLiveYourStoryLyricsmeditationsMemoirMotivationOn WritingOnWritngPaintingPaperPeacePersonalIsUniversalPlayPoeticBeautyPoetrypositive attitudePositive thoughtquotesRewriteseeSeeingSharedExperienceShareYourArtSolitudeSolitude and CompanionshipSoulful ...
WatchReal Women Have Curves,rated PG-13,onHBO Max. Black Panther Disney King T'Challa might be the star and main superhero ofBlack Panther, but let's face it: His mother, sister, and all of the Wakandan female warriors are such amazing examples of strong women who fight for what's ri...
Black women die at a rate of 41.7%, American Indian and Alaska Native women at a rate of 28.3%, and White women at a rate of 13.4%. 66% of women are told (by providers) that their physical symptoms (e.g., headaches, shortness of breath, severe pain, excessive bleeding) were str...
“I really love how you were able to bring together almost 40 women of all ages, backgrounds, and ethnicities in a way that made us feel as if we’d all been the closest of friends for years. We were comfortable enough to open up and be vulnerable among friends and strangers. We help...
We offer a few ‘spring quotes’ from the Internet, to inspire and perhaps encourage us all to get outside more often for a free Spring hope boost — Harriet Ann Jacobs “The beautiful spring came, and when nature resumes her loveliness, the human soul is apt to revive also.” Lady Bir...