The 1958 British cohort would have had access to only rudimentary medical interventions for the treatment of low weight babies by today's standards (Almond and Currie, 2012). But it could be that little treatment was available for both rich and poor low-birth-weight babies in 1950s Britain....
The Ontario Court of Appeal has dismissed the appeal inDufualt.The panel declined to revisitWaksdaleand the appeal was decided solely on the basis that the “for cause” termination clause violated theEmployment Standards Act,and specifically declined to comment at all on the “without cause” te...
Court Standards for Terminating Employees Under the ADA: Some Questions and Answers for Managers Since the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act in 1990, managers have had to wrestle with the question of what to do when employees become disab... LS Kleiman,DW Denton - 《Employee Respon...
Korea aims to reduce working time to 1800 h by 2022 by revising the Labor Standards Act and implementing policies to resolve the long time working issue. SSuussttaaiinnaabbiilliittyy 22001188,, 1100,,4x90 1100 ooff 2210 FFiigguurree 66.. WWoorrkkiinngg hhoouurrss aanndd eemmppllooyymmee...
The ISO has still not published any specific standards on technologies and, although it is working on this, the difficulty is easy to understand, since some of the said technologies are still in the development phase and have not yet achieved maturity [20]. In different ways AM will ...