Regarding these commercial rights a non-exclusive license has been granted to the publisher. The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from ...
ASSOCIATION AND EMPLOYEE RIGHTS A. The Board specifically recognizes the right of the Association to organize and operate under the Michigan Public Employment Relations Act and all other applicable laws and regulations. The rights granted to employees herein under shall be deemed to be in addition to...
Employment Rights Act 1996 (ERA) ‐ providing employees the right not to be unfairly dismissedill‐health retirement, situations where employment is terminated by voluntary resignation and mutual agreementpermanent health insurance schemes (PHI) –...
The criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994, s 126 provides that prison officers are not to be treated as being in ‘police service’ for the purposes of the Employment Protection (consolidation) Act 1978 (now the Employment rights Act 1996 and the trade Union Labour relations (consolidation...
In addition, the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is reviewed. Several federal laws prohibit job discrimination, among them Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964,6,7 The Civil Rights Act of 1991,8 the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA), and Title I of the Americans...
Again, Europe enhanced the rights of UK workers. A number of subsequent decisions identified respects in which the Domestic legislation had failed properly to implement the European right. One example was the fact that the 1970 Act limited back pay claim to two years. That was held to be ...
61 See 2 NRLB Legislative History of the Labor-Management Recording and Disclosure Act of 1959, at 1098 (The bill of rights "would bring to the conduct of union affairs and to union members the reality of some of the freedoms from oppression that we enjoy as citizens by virtue of ...
On 1 July 1996, the Gender Equality Act came into force. Among other things, it prohibits discrimination on the basis of gender at work. Still, the most recent figures from the Swiss Federal Statistical Office show that the median full-time equivalent salary of women is roughly 12% below ...
Labour, Employment and Human Rights Law Bulletin July 2008 Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP Landmark Supreme Court of Canada Decision Significantly Alters the Law Regarding Damages in Wrongful Dismissal Cases Vancouver Calgary Toronto Ottawa Montréal Québec City London Johannesburg On June ...
Sections Figures References Abstract Introduction Theory Empirical evidence Conclusion Availability of data and materials Notes References Acknowledgements Funding Author information Ethics declarations Additional information Appendices Rights and permissions About this article Advertisement...