Is employment status in adults over 25years old associated with nonmedical prescription opioid and stimulant use?doi:10.1007/s00127-016-1312-6OpioidStimulantNonmedicalprescriptiondruguseEmploymentEpidemiologyNonmedical use of prescription opioid and stimulants (NMUPO and NMUPS, respectively) has declined ...
As of 2022, the most numerous self-employed age group was those aged between 45 and 54 years old, reaching just over 1.3 million individuals, indicating that middle-aged people have the highest self-employment rates. In the same year, around 757,000 self-employed workers in the UK were ...
We also consider the regional fixed effects of different provinces and survey years. Fixed effects include i.province and i.year. To avoid overidentification due to too many instrumental variables, we do not have fixed effects in Columns 7–8. 2. Robust standard errors clustered by age are ...
Ive been in indeed for 6 + years, Over the last couple of years there’s been 0 opportunity, management hide behind surveys and love using the buzzword “feedback” to do absolutely nothing with mounds of feedback given. Managers play the blame game with the higher ups and no one wants...
These include retention in full-time education or training at age 17; participation in college or university at age 19; the status known as NEET, “Not in Employment, Education or Training” at ages 17, 19 and 25; and the total duration of unemployment over the 10 years to August 2015,...
It has been claimed that workers over 50 are not responsive to rapidly changing ideas in the modern workplace and that for this reason younger workers are to be preferred.To what extent do you agree or disagree?Some people argue that old workers are not responsive to speed up changing views...
Once a Cinderella subject, the employment of people aged 50 and above (often referred to in the literature as 'older workers') has become an issue of major prominence in recent years. This is no more evident than in the passage of the Age Regulations (October 2006) and with it, New Lab...
Of those who are registered as blind and of employment age, less than one-third are in employment, but a large proportion of the unemployed are over 50 years old and some are housewives. About one-third are classified as not capable of work. The present work opportunities for visually handi...
The New York State COVID-19 Emergency Leave Law currently provides employees with paid leave when subject to a mandatory or precautionary order of quarantine or isolation due to COVID-19. The amount of paid time off to which employees are entitled under this mandate has changed over time in ...
Given the huge size of the Chinese population and the challenges of transforming from a planned economy to a market economy capable of pursuing high-quality development, China has been largely successful in keeping employment stable over the past 70 years. ...