How to keep up with employment law in the UK? We expect there to be more changes coming for employment law in the next few months as the new governmental policies and legislation take shape. Our Employment team is at the forefront of these changes, challenges and opportunities that will affe...
New legislation and regulations for 2024, including changes in the paid sick leave law, revised rules regarding I-9 documents, amended regulations regarding applicants’ criminal records, a new requirement for workplace violence prevention plans, updates to California law regarding covenants not to comp...
Our December 2024 update looks at the latest proposed employment law reforms, including plans to extend the time limits for bringing ET claims to six months, as well as details of a new criminal offence for businesses that fail to prevent fraud. We also provide a round-up of recent interesti...
California’s employer law changes never end, so regulatory compliance is always a shifting target. This can make it a real challenge to stay up to date on your own. Find out how offloading that burden to our Human Resources Outsourcing experts can help you avoid unnecessary stress and penalti...
Employers take note:If you employ tipped workers, revisit your tipping policies to ensure compliance with state and current federal law, so you know what adjustments you’ll need to make if the law changes. A Shrinking Labor Market – Immigration ...
A more significant change has been made to the law on indirect discrimination. Under s19 Equality Act 2010, a claimant alleging indirect discrimination must share the same protected characteristic as the group being placed at a disadvantage. As of 1 January 2024, a new section has been inserted...
Pending legislation, if finalised, could alter UK employment law regarding workplace harassment, flexible work, allocation of tips and family leave. Fire-and-rehire and strikes could also be the subject of discussion in 2023.
Employment Law Alert UK - October 2024 Key employment law changes affecting UK employers over the last month. Worker’s rights Supreme Court restores injunction to stop Tesco from “firing and rehiring” employees to avoid paying “retained pay”. InMarch 2022, the High Court granted an ...
Voters will decide the presidential election on November 5, 2024. The new president will be inaugurated on January 20, 2025. Proposing and finalizing new regulations from federal agencies could take many months. Executive orders from a president typically take effect immediately. Changes to employme...
Employment Law: Case Law and Legislation UpdatesHannan, John