Wu [15] analyzed the impacts of employment and housing development on commuting in the Silicon Valley region and indicated that housing affordability and land-use patterns are important determinants of residential location choices and commuting flows, and that accessibility, local government expenditures,...
of Sichuan Agricultural University, Chengdu 611130, China; dingdexu@126.com 3 School of Economics of Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065, China; zengmiao61@126.com * Correspondence: qybsicau@163.com † These authors contributed equally to this work and should be regarded as co-first authors. ...
and ratings: This will foster a sense of community andhelpusers make informed decisions. Additionally, the app must provide real-time availability updates from hotels. This will require seamless integration with hotel databases and APIs. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in iOS and Android...
in tourism, the corollary is represented by practices that do focus on "decent work", do provide opportunity on an equal basis for all members of the community, are progressive and developmental and compete successfully for skills with other sectors of the local, national and international economy...