Case C-488/21, Social Insurance: GV – v – Chief Appeals Officer, Social Welfare Appeals Office, Minister for Employment Affairs and Social Protection, Ireland, Attorney General, reference lodged by the Court of Appeal (Ireland) on 10 August 2021...
Social Precarity and Social Integration. Report for the European Commission Directorate-General Employment Joint report on social protection and social inclusion 2008 : social inclusion, pensions, healthcare and long-term care European Commission, Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal...
Further information can be found on the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs website. In individual cases, the relevant social security provider is responsible for determining a person’s employment status. In the event of a dispute, responsibility falls to the social court. Employees with...
The European Sting - Critical News & Insights on European Politics, Economy, Foreign Affairs, Business & Technology - The European Sting is Your democratic, independent and top quality political newspaper specialized in European Union News. Unique Features: iSting & Harry Sting Sear...
[11: The Ministry ofLabour,Employment, Veterans and Social Affairs information system end-year data, 2013.] UN-2 Source # * reports of social care centres for # and # submitted to the Ministry ofLabour,Employmentand Social Policy MultiUn ...
This state of affairs is also due to the radically progressing digitization, which is changing the challenges of the modern labor market. In this article, the author wants to address the social security problem of selected flexible (atypical) forms of employment, including ...
Social protection and social inclusion 2008: EU indicators | Groenekennis Commission Staff Working Document, Brussels: European Commission, Directorate- General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities... E Commission - Office for Official Publications of the European Communities 被引量: 44...
Tunisian Confederation of Industry, Trade and Handicrafts (UTICA) Mehdi Ayadi told TAP the Committee for Employment Abroad, which is composed of representatives of the chamber of private employment offices under UTICA, UGTT, and Ministries of the Interior and Social Affairs had drafted this new bill...
Prime MinisterforEmployment,LabourandSocial Affairs, François-Joseph Mobutu Nzanga, who is also [...] 3月8日,主管就业、劳动和社会事务的副总理弗朗索瓦·约瑟夫·蒙博托·恩赞加被 卡比拉总统免去部长职位,理由是无正当理由离开本国三个月。
Employment and Skills Formation Council Employment and Skills Observatory of Kosovo Employment and Social Affairs Committee Employment and Social Development Canada Employment and Social Dimension of the Information Society Employment and Suitability Test Employment and Support Allowance Employment and Training Ad...