An Act to require employers to insure againts their liability for personal injury to their employees; and for purposes connected with the matter aforesaid. [22nd October 1969]doi:10.1108/eb021767NoneManagerial LawHasson RA (1974), The Employers' Liability (Compulsory Insurance) Act 1969. A Broken...
Employers' Liability Acts Employers' Liability Compulsory Insurance Employers' Liability Insurance Employers' Liability Insurance Employers' Organisation for Local Government Employers' organization Employers' organization Employers' organization Employers' Reference Number ...
The Employers' Liability (Compulsory Insurance) Act 1969 ensures you have at least a minimum level of insurance cover against such claims. The following is not a legal interpretation, only the courts can decide on liability. Public Liability Insurance is different; it is not a legal requirement....
General Acts 1969 Ch 57 Employers' liability (compulsory insurance) act 1969 In examining developments in Ontario's law of employers' liability during the latter half of the nineteenth century, Professor Tucker notes the striking changes - in doctrine, style of reasoning and judicial attitude - tow...
1) compulsory employers' liability insurance in the mining industry 煤强险2) strong coal 强煤 例句>> 3) coal mass strength 煤体强度 1. Aimed at controlling rocks in soft and thick coal seams, according to the occurrence of coal seam in 11151 working face in Liangbei coal mine, Shen...
private insurance company to ensuretheemployers'fulfilment of compulsoryliabilityinterms of insurance cover. The underlying [...] 由以㆖的例子可看到,由私營保險公司去達到僱主完全的和強制性的投購保險責任是很有 問題,私營保險公司的營商原則與僱主要負責僱員職業意外損傷這種社...
Statutory Instruments SI 2004/2882 Employers' Liability (Compulsory Insurance) (Amendment) Regulations 2004 Publication Year 2004 Document Status Current Document History Made - 1st November 2004. Laid before Parliament - 9th November 2004. Coming into operation - 28th February 2005....
Employers’ may insure themselves against this liability and some laws make such insurance compulsory “[1] 3. The following laws provide for social security under the system of Employers’ liability: - Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923...
EMPLOYERS\" LIABILITY (COMPULSORY INSURANCE) ACT 1969 An Act to require employers to insure againts their liability for personal injury to their employees; and for purposes connected with the matter aforesaid. [22nd October 1969] None - 《Managerial Law》 被引量: 0发表: 1969年 ...
doi:1969 c. 57介绍性文本1.雇员责任保险.2.受保雇员.3.免除保险的雇主.4.保险证书.5.未能投保的罚款.6.法规.7.短标题,范围和开始.