Even for delinquent or revised filings for plan years before 2009, you cannot submit a Schedule SSA to EFAST2. Annual Registration Statements for Deferred Vested Participants, Form 8955-SSA, must be filed with the Internal Revenue Service immediately. You can seeInternal Revenue Service Plansfor e...
Is administering an estate Is a withholding agent for taxes on non-wage income paid to an alien (i.e., individual, corporation, or partnership, etc.) Is a state or local agency Is a single-member LLC Needs an EIN to report estate income on Form 1041 Is an agent, broker, fiduciary, ...
The plan can set a time limit for providing this notice of disability, but the time limit cannot be shorter than 60 days, starting from the latest of: (1) the date on which SSA issues the disability determination; (2) the date on which the qualifying event occurs; (3) the date on ...
656tax totheInternalRevenueServiceCommissionerreturnswithpotentiallyfraudulentrefunds fortheWageandInvestmentDivision.issuedtotalingmorethan$2.2billion. IMPACTONTAXPAYERS8,046werefalselyobtainedEINsusedto reportfalseincomeandwithholdingon TheIRSissuesEmployerIdentificationNumbers 14,415taxreturnswithpotentiallyfraudulent (...