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Employer Portal,可以简单把它翻译成“雇主入口”。 雇主入口(Employer Portal)是为加拿大雇主通过国际移动项目(International Mobility Program, IMP)雇用外国临时劳工准备的。它允许雇主为不需要劳动力市场影响评估(LMIA)的劳工提交聘用信(offers of employment)。 对于加拿大雇主来说,如果雇主的公司或组织打算从外国引进人...
No hidden costs. 100% free. Connect with 80,000+ international students and alumni Hire from hundreds of top U.S. universities and colleges Build a diversified team with talent from over 150 countries Get support and perks by joining our employer portalWelcome to the employer portal ...
Many things have changed in the motor carrier industry since 1939 when the original hours-of-service (HOS) regulations were prescribed for truck drivers. Our roads are better designed, constructed, and maintained in a nationwide network to provide greater mobility, accessibility, and safety for all...
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Posts in Employer Portal Back to News & Events Schedule an ORCA Consultation in your Preferred Language via LanguageLine Solutions byLily Sadataki|Jul 1, 2024|Business Owners,News,ORCA,Services Commute Seattle now offers ORCA Business consultations in your preferred language via LanguageLine Solutions ...
LiUNA Local 183 Training Centre Employer Portal Sign In Welcome to the LIUNA Local 183 Training Centre Employer Portal
Zipari’s Employer Portal gives employers access to the technology and information they need to understand employees’ health needs, compare plan features, and manage employee services. In addition to delivering real-time insight to employers, Zipari’s centralized data collection informs payers and T...