来源:OINP Employer Job Offer:In-Demand Skills Stream https://www.ontario.ca/page/oinp-employer-job-offer-demand-skills-stream 更新时间:2020年02月01日
安省7月21日开放雇主担保项目Employer Job Offer Stream 安大略省移民提名计划OINP预计明天会有大量的用户访问网站。用户可能会被置于优先级队伍中,如果发生这种情况,这不是技术错误。一旦达到限制,系统将自动阻止其他用户再递交注册。 申请此移民计划的人必须在政府网页上通过OINP e-Filing门户递交申请。点击显示“提交申...
Ontario is set to open registration for the Employer Job Offer: Foreign Worker Stream on October 21. Immigration candidates need a current job offer and an up-to-date Employer Form, in order to apply for this Provincial Nominee Program (PNP). The Ontario Immigrant Nominee Prog...
Bridging The Learning Divide: AI & Skills Gaps Read now Blogs The Transformative Impact Of “Digital Twin Organizations” Read now Blogs Minimizing Talent Risk, Maximizing Success Read now Blogs Bridging The Green Skills Gap: A Strategy For Building A Sustainable Workforce ...
You don’t need to establish a business in another nation to hire employees on your own through an employer of record. Nevertheless, PEOs demand that you have a local corporate structure of your own in the nation or area. EOR can also offer all the HR services your company requires, inclu...
Manitoba Hydro started a pre-placement program for women in trades in 2021. Seniuk applied, went through an evaluation process that includes both an aptitude and skills assessment, and was ultimately invited to join a woman’s pre-placement program for power electricians. “Physics is a pre-requ...
Host a virtual talent show where team members showcase their hidden talents — singing, dancing, playing an instrument, or even doing magic tricks. You’ll be amazed at the variety of skills your colleagues have been keeping under wraps! It’s a chance for everyone to shine outside of thei...
Ontario省雇主聘书:外国工人通道适用于从事NOC0、A、B类职业,并计划移民并定居于Ontario省的申请人。 第一部分 概述 安省雇主聘书:海外工人通道是安大略省省提名移民计划(OINP)下的一个分支移民通道。 它为拥有国家职业分类技能等级(NOC)0、A、或B级职业技能的外国工人提供了一个申请OINP省提名的机会,使该类申请人...