Human Resources and the company’s legal team should work together to create a policy on employee technology use that insulates the company from injury and litigation while also providing a bit of balance for employees. Make your company’s policy on internet/data/technology usage very clear. ...
The company has been receiving many complaints from clients who were unable to contact you during your office hours as you are busy in talking on your mobile phone. The management has decided to issue a warning letter as this is not the first time you have violated company policy regarding ...
First thing is to determine what usage is appropriate and what isn’t. For example, some employers have a zero tolerance viewpoint to cell phone usage in the workplace. Others may have designated cell phone areas (and designated NO cell phone areas). And others still may allow business cell...
Get CPU and RAM usage for specific process and output to log file Get CPU-temp with powershell? get cpu%, memory MB, handles using get-process, get-counter Get date and add one month get date of last Friday Get Dell service tag and store in AD Computer Object Get DepartmentNumber Attr...
EnumDropDownListFor Set Default Value EPPlus multiple cell formatting not applying ERR_CACHE_MISS in MVC 5 razor app ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED Error - The name Scripts does not exist in the current context Error - Cannot add duplicate collection entry of type 'add' in VS2010 Error - system.Web...
EnumDropDownListFor Set Default Value EPPlus multiple cell formatting not applying ERR_CACHE_MISS in MVC 5 razor app ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED Error - The name Scripts does not exist in the current context Error - Cannot add duplicate collection entry of type 'add' in VS2010 Error - system.We...