Employee incentive programs can help build motivation and improve performance. Discover how to best use them for your organizations.
Your work has helped to strengthen the company partnership with Byron Enterprises and will surely benefit us in the future by increasing recognition and bringing more advertising projects in the future. I want you to know that I truly appreciate your work and that the marketing team values your ...
A comprehensive guide to employee rewards and recognition. Learn about the very basics on how to establish an appreciation based culture and drive engagement.
10. Get creative. Staff appreciation needs to be sincere, but it doesn’t have to be expensive. Here are some employee recognition examples that are sweet and simple: Company T-shirts and swag Anniversary coins Restaurant or coffee shop gift cards Framed notes honoring the team member Free car...
Recognition: The power of props Recognitionis about highlighting strong efforts and professional wins. It sounds simple, but many leaders should brush up on it. Our Employee Pulse Survey data shows that the strongest correlation between any 2 of the 26 Engagement Sub-Metrics is between Recognition...
This recognition idea is a simple one but goes a long way. Simply hand out some Post-its and pens to your employees, and encourage them to write words of encouragement or kind messages to their coworkers, sticking the Post-its on their desks or cubicle walls. ...
[Free Template] 3 Recognition Letter Samples & Steps To Write a Meaningful Letter Read more Guides 35 Questions To Include in Your New Employee Questionnaire Read more Guides 19 Best Onboarding Process Examples To Inspire You Read more New articles Guides Promotion Announcement: Why It ...
We are delighted to inform you that your hard work and dedication have been recognized, and as a result, you will be receiving a salary increase starting from [effective date]. Congratulations on this well-deserved recognition! Sincerely, ...
Enhance workplace culture: Through continuous real-time feedback, recognition and appreciation systems, and open communication, EEPs can make employees feel valued and supported. As organizations continue to learn about their employees, they can take preemptive actions to improveemployee recognition, enga...
In early 2013, I wrote about ways digital employee recognition programs can shape company culture. A year and a half later, I believe all of those things more than ever. A great company culture takes a lot of work, and digital employee recognition can ma