When you announce an employee's departure, start by sharing the basics: who is leaving and when their last day is (or was). Then, you have an important decision to make: Will you share their reason for leaving? Some of this comes down to your company’s policy, so if you’re at a...
I am leaving my job at Calder Bates on August 1st. Though I will miss working with you and the rest of the team, I am excited to be starting a new position with Jones Mathias and Company in September. I very much appreciate the support and friendship you have provided me over the yea...
Have you ever thought about leaving the company? If so, what caused you to consider leaving? Why did you decide to stay? What are the biggest challenges you face? Is there anything you’d like to change about your job? Are there things you would like to change about your team or depar...
A high new hire turnover rate reflects badly on a company’s image, giving the message that it’s not the best working environment The causes of employee turnover If your business is experiencing an unwanted turnover rate, there are several reasons that you should consider: 1. Bad hiring ...
Great managersknow how to identify their star players, keep them engaged, trust them, and provide them with opportunity. They are both their coach and champion inside the organization. They even know when a person would bebest served by leavingthe company. ...
The final stage in the employee lifecycle is a worker departing the company. This includes an employee leaving voluntarily, being fired or being part of a wider organizational layoff. No matter the reason,HR staff should navigate employee departuressensitively and ensure that each stage of em...
“It’s essential to keep your pay and benefits under review to make sure you’re offering staff a competitive reward package,” Andrews said. “If staff feel you are failing to recognize their worth and true market value, then you face the risk of them leaving you for a competitor who ...
If the employee is leaving on good terms, you might also have your employee leave a goodbye message (via email, team chat, or any other internal communication tool). Otherwise, you should announce to the company that they're leaving—you don't need to share details, but transparency like ...
The best-case scenario is that an employee is leaving for positive reasons. In this case, the employee should give enough notice to introduce their replacement and collaborate through the transition. But if an employee is terminated, that’s not always possible. In that case, it’s best to ...
This is a farewell message sent by an employer to the employee who is leaving, appreciating their contributions to the company and wishing them the best in the future. It could be sent when an employee is retiring, moving to a new company, or being transferred. ...