labourers any time employed, it has to contribute 5% of its profit after taxtoemployee welfarefund. 倘某一公司擁有10,000,000.00孟加 拉國塔卡或以上,或擁有20,000,000.00孟加拉國塔卡或以上的永久性資產,或於任何 時間均僱佣逾100名勞工,則該公司須按其除稅後溢利的5%向僱員...
Employee/Labour welfare measures in Singareni Collieries Company Limited. Global Business & Management Research, 3(3) & (4), 369-380.Swapna, P. (2011) `Employee/labour Welfare measures in Singareni Collieries Company Ltd', Global business & Management research: An internal Journal, 3(3&4)....
employee's welfare 【经】 职工福利 employee's pension fund 职工退休基金 相似单词 employee n.[C] 职员,员工,受雇人员 saving n. 1.[C]节省物,节省,节约 2.【复数】储蓄金,存款 3.【构成形容词】节约的,节省...的 saving 【构词成分】 (构成形容词)表示"节约的"(如:labour-saving节约劳动力的...
reserve fund,employee’sbonus and welfare fund and enterprise expansion fund. 根據中國有關法規及如 本公司招股章程所披露,本集團的稅後淨利潤只有在彌 補了以前年度的累計虧損(如有),並計提了法定盈餘公 積金及儲備基金、職工獎勵及福利基金及企業發展基金 後才能作為股息進行分配。
Subscribers of the Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) will be able to withdraw cash from their provident fund via ATMs.… Citi rolls out AI assistants for global workforce Employee Benefits & Welfare December 9, 2024 Citigroup has launched advanced artificial intelligence or AI tools to...
(1)themainchannelsforenterprisestosupplementtheir endowmentinsurancefunds Partoftheexpensespaidbytheinsuredemployee. Publicwelfarefund. Welfarefundorincentivefund. (2)therateofpaymentofenterpriseandinsuredemployees {{back>(reprintedfromthelibraryof100millionnets, http://.ekw,100millionnets,morethan1million ...
This is consistent with previous research indicating that factors related to employee welfare play a more significant role in labour-intensive companies (e.g. Bowen et al., 1995; Fu et al., 2023). Table 5. Additional Hypotheses: examining the impact variation with labour intensity, reliance on...
Current developments (Part II): this two-part article provides an overview of current developments in employee benefits, including executive compensation, welfare benefits and retirement plan requirements. Part II focuses on qualified retirement plans and welfare benefits There are many possible causes, ...
Explore employee provident fund (EPF), employee state insurance (ESI), and labour welfare fund (LWF) benefits report. Contact Payroll Admin: Send your queries to your payroll administrator easily. My Profile: Access and update your personal profile information. ...
Employee Provident Fund (EPF)is implemented by the Employees Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) of India. An establishment with 20 or more workers working in any one of the 180+ industries ( given here) should register withEPFO. EPFO is astatutorybody of the Indian Government under Labour and...