When youregister for Blissbook, you’ll have access to our one-of-a kindInspirational Employee Handbook template. From there, you can easily customize the handbook based on your organization’s needs. Alternatively, if you want to have minimal involvement in the process, Blissbook’s content an...
Your employee handbook should alsoset your employee’s expectations in terms of what it will be like to work within your organization. Again, rather than leaving this information “up in the air,” your handbook will clearly spell it all out—allowing your employees and your managerial staff to...
Codifying those beliefs into a handbook makes them tangible and, most importantly, editable.Making the company our best product is a guiding principle, but we can’t easily improve what we haven’t articulated. So whatever version of this handbook you’re reading, you can be sure it’s not...
Labor relations laws require all employers to maintain written policy and apply it nondiscriminatory to all employees. This handbook template makes it so easy to comply. Good reasons why your Company should create its own Employee Handbook
Handbooks.iois a multi-state handbook builder that provides a straightforward and effective solution for creating employee handbooks online. Highlighted Features Handbooks.io allows you to create either a basic or comprehensive employee handbook, which you can save as an editable Word document for easy...