No matter the size, it is important for Florida businesses to consider maintaining policies and procedures for their employees, such as an Employee Handbook. A handbook should give employees a clear direction as to your expectations of their conduct as it relates to the business and their job, ...
At New Wind, we are specialists in employee policies and procedures. We design customized Employee Handbooks for businesses and churches throughout the USA. As your Employee Handbook Consultant, we will craft a professional quality employee manual, uniqu
An acknowledgment can also note that violations of any policy, whether or not identified in a handbook, can lead to discipline. When employers significantly update their handbooks, they also might want to take the opportunity to train their managers and employees. Employers will find tha...
Our year-end HR News Roundup includes items on handbook updates, preparing for workplace immigration enforcement, employee retention, RTO, and much more. Don't miss the items from the lighter side, with a focus on seasonal items - including an analysis of the guy in... ...
A Florida car thief may want to reconsider his career choice. A Miami Beach man walked back to his Corvette after a Starbucks run, only to find a wannabe thief trapped inside. The thief became trapped inside because the car has electrical locks and no manual door handle. The car requires...