Creating a detailed and well-thought-out employee discipline policy can help to ensure that company policy and any potential disciplinary action is easily understood and fairly enforced. What are some examples of employee discipline? There are many possible examples of employee discipline. One example...
Employee Disciplinary Action - Steps You Can Take To Protect Yourself and Your Nonprofit OrganizationSharon Mikrut
This policy has been communicated to all employees and is available on the company intranet. It is each employee’s responsibility to familiarize themselves with the policy and adhere to its guidelines. Failure to comply with this policy may result in disciplinary action. Review and update This po...
EMARKETER, Inc. d/b/a EMARKETER (“Intelligence,”“our,”“we,” and “us”) is committed to respecting your privacy and protecting your personal information. This Employee Privacy Policy applies to any of our employees, contractors, job applicants, prospective employees, and former employees ...
For example, your company’s tardiness policy may tolerate a couple of indiscretions from your employees. Beyond that, you can take some disciplinary action against them. Before getting hired, your employees probably agreed to and signed off on the company’s policies. You can refer to the poli...
7 EmailPolicy 17 8 UseofCompanyProperty 17 9 PersonalTelephoneCallsandMobile 17 VI. EmployeeBehaviorandDiscipline 1 BehaviorandDressingCode 18 2 DisciplinaryAction 18 3 EmployeeGrievances 21 4 SexualHarassment 21 VII CodeofConductandCompliance
dealing with known breaches of this policy in an appropriate manner, including disciplinary action where it is warranted. Violations of this Code will result in FP taking appropriate action which may include:warning, suspension, or discharge from employment. Employees should also be aware that potenti...
APPLICATION:Theprovisionsofthispolicy,whichwasdevelopedbyapartnership grouponbehalfofGAPF,applytoallstaffexceptMedicaland Dentalstaffwhohavetheirownarrangementsfordealingwithsuch matters. NHSG/POL/26/HR–EmployeeConductPolicy 2 NHSGRAMPIAN EMPLOYEECONDUCTPOLICY ...
See Considerations for the Disciplinary Process; Social Media. Employers should also be aware that additional restrictions may preclude or limit an employer from disciplining or taking adverse action against an employee. See Specific Discipline Situations. Localities including Philadelphia and Pittsburgh ...
3、Policy178Use of Company Property179Personal Telephone Calls and Mobile17VIEmployee Behavior and Discipline1Behavior and Dressing Code182Disciplinary Action183Employee Grievances214Sexual Harassment21VIICode of Conduct and Compliance1Confidentiality232Conflict of Interests233Bribery and Corruption24V 4、III Othe...