Towards the future, even in an optimistic Scenario, the share of informal employment will remain very high in many countries during the next 25 years, an issue that point towards the need of active policies to deal with it.GarcíaConsorcioNorbertoConsorcioE.ConsorcioRevista de Economía Mundial...
Valle, B. A. (2002), "Problemas de empleo en America Latina", Politica y cultura, num. 17, pp. 99-116, UAM, Mexico.Valle Baeza, Alejandro (2000) "Problemas de empleo en America Latina". En: Politica y Cultura, primavera, ano, vol. 00, Num. 17. pp. 99-116....
POLTICAS Y LEYES DE PRIMER EMPLEO EN AMRICA LATINA: TENSIONES ENTRE INSERCIN Y CONSTRUCCIN DE TRAYECTORIASdoi:10.26489/rvs.v31i42.4The article proposes to analyze the main problems faced by young people, using statistical secondary data. It exposes the result of a study abo...
Bensusan, Graciela (2009), "Estandares laborales y calidad de los empleos en America Latina", en Perfiles latinoamericanos, Ano 17, numero 34, julio-diciembre de 2009, Revista de la Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, Sede Mexico....