Such an empire requires tight coupling between provinces, if not between provinces and capital. An empire of this type of dependent on shared resource control. Then there's the British empire. An exercise in laissez-faire capitalism gone mad, it grew and prospered as a source of cheap raw ...
Talabecland was severely reduced in size and power compared to the other provinces. [32a] Great War Against Chaos (2301 to 2304 IC)The dawn of the twenty-fourth century IC saw the development of an even graver threat to all the peoples of the Old World, this time in the north. The ...
Concerning foreign policy, this branch can be broken down into four branches. On the left, Germany will be able to defeat any leftover socialist nations (Rad Soc, Syndie, or Totalist) by getting wargoals against them. If Schleicher or the SWR also completed the focus Proclaim Death of Germ...
Part III, The Maritime Provinces, 321-424, outprint, card, one only $20.00 1990, Vol. 6, 309 pages, cloth, The Leeward Islands: Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Montserrat, Nevis and St. Christopher, St. Kitts Nevis, Anguilla, Virgin Islands, British PO in Danish, Dutch and French Poss...
In a few months at least 60,000 Indians filled British prison cells, and the raj unleashed massive force against Indian underground efforts to disrupt rail transport and to generally subvert the war effort that followed the crackdown on the Quit India campaign. Parts of the United Provinces, ...
(a type of buckler shield) in Europe. Previously, knives, daggers, short swords, axes, etc., were the accepted weapons of war. This three and one-half foot long sword later put fear into the invading Romans. The great Roman historian, Tacitus wrote of the Celtic weapon -- "...their ...
in 1795, and SirStamford Rafflesacquired Singapore in 1819. Canadian settlements in Alberta, Manitoba, andBritish Columbiaextended British influence to the Pacific, while further British conquests in India brought in theUnited Provincesof Agra and Oudh and the Central Provinces, East Bengal, and ...
Weapons of World War I inTehrān Also known as: Teheran Written by Ali Madanipour Professor of Urban Design, Newcastle University, United Kingdom. Author ofTehran: The Making of a Metropolisand others. Ali Madanipour Fact-checked by The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica ...