Fixed potential crash disembarking agents from navies Fixed armies not being booted out of regions when losing military access gained by joining an ally in war Improved AI diplomacy valuation of technologies Fix for bug where general's unit for an upper class rebellion was coming from the region ...
72. Gears Of War 2006, Xbox If you listen carefully, you can hear the sound of a Mark 2 Lancer Assault Rifle's chainsaw attachment chugging away in the back of your brain. This is because after you slice up your first locust, it never leaves you. Ever. While several of its sequels...
Ive tried starting a campaign with the fix desktop patch and yet it will crash on startup after 6 seconds, dont know what the issue is. ReplyGood karmaBad karma+1 vote Author Flaviuss-Feb 28 2024- 343 comments There are no other ways except to clean everything and reinstall it, followi...
Minor Factions Revenge is a mod for Empire Total War all Italian, rather than mod might seem like an expansion pack for the original game. The Game of Empire, by itself, is limited, as we already know, with the guidance of a great nation such as Spain...
Colostomy-bag Joe gets on TV, says “the goverment will pay to fix it.” You think he’s doing that out of the kindness of his heart? Course not, it’s because he’ll get his cut of the $2B spent to get it repaired. Cost of doing business, dontcha’ know…? Nothing ever ...
How does one explain the total lack of American interest in that civil war, given President Obama's far weaker justification for intervention in Libya? It seems reasonable to assume the USA wants to dominate Libya's oil, and not the defunct ivory trade....
until finally there were 14 separate species at war. On the Alliance side there were the Earthlings, the Chenjesu, the Yehat, the Mmrnmhrm, the Ariloulaleelay, the Syreen, and the Shofixti. Fighting with the Ur-Quan were the Mycon, the Spathi, the Androsynths, the VUX, the ...
Second SOE bug fix patch. 1) Fix campaign event clashes at turn 80 2) Fix campaign event crash at turn 32 2) Update campaign map UI graphic 3) Update custom general portraits
+a well placed attack on the enemie's research station throws him back to Tech I (empire gets one as well) -you have to defend it -possible game crash when choosing a faction whilst playing against an AI (happens very seldom lately) Beta testing...
Star Trek: Armada III begins with the first stirrings of the Dominion War and allows players to take command of five unique factions, the United Federation of Planets, the Klingon Empire, the Romulan Star Empire, the Cardassian Union/Dominion Alliance...