2. Me gustaría proponerle matrimonio en el Empire State Building. ¿Eso esta bien? ¡Por supuesto! Comience su historia para siempre en el edificio más romántico del mundo con un paquete de propuestas VIP que ofrece vistas espectaculares desde el corazón de la ciudad de Nueva York. Ech...
caldrailreplied tocaldrail's topic inHistoria in Universum But we didn't 'win' air superiority - we already had it and retained it. Had we lost that as the German initially wanted, then the threat of invasion escalated. That did not guarantee it would happen because there were three other...
The anonymous Historia Augusta, composed sometime in the late Empire, provides similarly sensationalizing biographies of Roman emperors and some usurpers from Hadrian in the early second century CE to Carinus in the late third century CE. In addition to these Roman historians and biographers, a nu...
Book XXXV of Pliny’s Naturalis Historia is thus an indispensable source not only for understanding the development of Greek painting, but also for interpreting the social implications of Roman wall painting. Book VII of the De Architectura by Vitruvius, an architect active in the second half of...
doi:10.4000/lerhistoria.13029YUCATAN (Mexico : State)SPANISH coloniesMAYASNONVERBAL communicationGENEROSITYNEGOTIATIONPOLITICAL communicationBuilding on two case studies, the article explores how the Maya caciques understood the concept of consent and made use of it in concrete po...
9. 1; Pliny the Elder Naturalis historia (Plin. HN) 6. 44. Strabo 16. 1. 16; Tacitus Annales (Tac. Ann.) 6. 42. 6. Concerning the various Arsakid capitals and residences, see Chaumont 1973. On the identification of Hekatompylos with Šahr-e Qūmes, near ...
Vídeos sin regalías CiudadManhattan 4K0:13 FortalezaCastillo 4K0:45 CastilloFortaleza 4K0:20 RomanoSoldado HD0:10 EstatuaContinuarRojo 4K0:10 Estrella De La Muerte HD0:15 ImperioSucioSith 4K0:24 Star WarsRebeldes HD0:20 RomanoAntiguoImperio ...
This was inscribed within a mutual relationship of support between church and state: by resorting to the notion of oikonomia, the Patriarchate, which had been re-estab-lished by a Muslim ruler in an uncanonical procedure, was contributing to the legit-imacy of the Ottoman empire-building ...
41Pliny,Naturalis Historia, 14.27.136:ipsa quoque defruta ac sapa, cum sit caelum sineluna, hoc est in sideris eius coitu, neque alio die coqui iubent, praeterea plumbeis vasis, non aer-eis, nucibusque iuglandibus additis; eas enim fumum excipere. On lead poisoning in antiquity,with...
Cassius Dio (ca. 155–235 AD) reports (Historia Romana 44.6; 51.19) (Dio 1914–1927) that vows were annually taken on behalf of Caesar, and that an annual votum pro salute imperatoris was established in the time of Augustus. There is abundant epigraphical evidence to prove that this ...