The classic 4X strategy game 4X: My Empire is shockingly logged in! In the tens of thousands of kilometers of 3D war world, players can build and manage their own empire. By exploring new lands, building cities, mining resources and developing technology
The Times of India reports today that "In a breathtaking spectacle, Goddess Kali was projected on the Empire State Building in New York." For those of you not familiar with the Goddess Kali, she is the Hindu god of death and destruction.
In fact, the biggest reason the realists had no doubts the pipeline would get its permit, via a State Department review and a presidential thumbs-up of that border-crossing pipeline, was because of the well-known political potency of the jobs argument in bad economic times. Despite endless l...
Walls Crumbling Quotes I felt that the decrepit state of these once magnificent buildings, with their broken gutters, walls blackened by rainwater, crumbling plaster revealing the coarse masonry beneath it, windows boarded up or clad with corrugated iron, precisely reflected my own state of mind. ...
FACT SHEET: The Way Forward in Afghanistan and Pakistan OUR MISSION:The President’s speech reaffirms the March 2009 core goal: to disrupt, dismantle, and eventually defeat al Qaeda and to prevent their return to either Afghanistan or Pakistan.[Their Return? This is poor English or awkward dec...
I like have five things I could do. And the thing I’m going to choose to do now is refer like what’s going to get them to that mental state. What is going to be the thing you give them that gets them to that mental state. And so it’s about knowing, like who are the peop...
“This is not empire building; this is jungle predators,” he says. “Now, I’m not judging. I am yesterday’s news. In my business I am not a factor any longer. I am known as Mr. Pia Zadora. Why? Because I got what I want.” He smiles tolerantly. “None of them will make...
Always remember that the U.S. was never intended to be a democracy. The national government was a compact among the several and equal states. Each state government had an equal voice in determining some things, such as choosing a president. In the U.S. Senate each state had and still ha...
I was now in such a state of nervous resentment that I thought it but prudent to check myself at present from further demonstrations. Bartleby and I were alone. I remembered the tragedy of the unfortunate Adams and the still more unfortunate Colt in the solitary office of the latter; ...
s nuclear housing bubble, we can no longer afford to engage in the frivolous waste of oil and natural resources. Many countries are coming of age with the re-discovery of their valuable natural resources. Previously third world nations are building first world infrastructures and economies with ...