Iraq's Federal Arab Politics & Leadership Vs Iran's Safawi Shi'ite Theocracy PAUL RAHE HAS WRITTEN AN IMPORTANT new history of war and strategy in the ancient Greek world, examining the contest between the Spartans and the Persian Empire. The war was fought for the highest stakes: independence...
Is theocracy considered an autocracy or oligarchy? The Ottoman Empire was headquartered in the city of Did the Russian Empire rule over Turkey? Did the Turkish coup establish democracy in 1960? Did the Roman Republic have elections? Was the Roman Senate elected? Was Sparta ruled by an absolu...
The decline of the Mughal Empire, according to Richards, was triggered by opposition to what he believes was Aurangzeb’s desire to create an Islamic theocracy in North India. Saha, Shandip. “Mughal Empire (1526–1857).” In The Brill Encyclopedia of Hinduism. Vol. 4. Edited by Knut ...
In 1507 Portuguese invaded Persian Gulf and captured Hormuz Island. It became a naval base and trade outpost, which lasted more than a hundred years. Shah Esma'il with the lack of navy reluctantly accepted this European presence. In the mean time Safavids extended their rule by capturing Baghd...