Сведенияобигреиюридическаяинформация Empire of Sin —новаястратегическаяиграот Romero Games и Paradox Interactive, котораяперенесетвасвсердцепреступногомираЧика...
In reality, the Arsakid Empire devel- oped in the context of Iranian, Mesopotamian, Central Asian, Mesopotamian, and South Asian traditions. What characterizes the Arsakid Empire, more than any sin- gular notional identity, was its ability to incorporate and accommodate a tremen- dously wide ...
4、命运的故事(组诗)The story of destiny (Group Poems) 5、镜子(外二首)Mirror(And Another Two Poems) 6、童年小记(三首)Notes of Childhood (And Another Three Poem) 7、菩萨Buddha 8、明月高悬(外二首)The Moon High In The Sky (And Another Two Poems) 9、相互Each Other 10、跳黄河(组诗三...
Make It Count —первоекрупноедополнениек Empire of Sin, добавляющееврядыпреступногомираЧикагоновогобосса: МаксимаЗельника, «Уличногопосредника». СЗе...