A2. The Empire State Building is a 102-story skyscraper located in Midtown Manhattan, New York City, on Fifth Avenue between West 33rd and 34th Streets. It has a roof height of 1,250 feet (381 m), and with its antenna spire included, it stands a total of 1,454 feet (443 m) ...
帝国大厦 - Empire State Building 纽约, 美国 高塔故事 欢迎来到举世闻名的帝国大厦,它位于曼哈顿中心地带,也是纽约市的中心。我们著名的观景台位于大厦第86层和第102层,每年有超过400万的游客从世界各地纷至沓来,以体验纽约和周边地区令人难忘的360度美景。 无论您的纽约之行是一周还是一天,如果没有来过帝国大厦,...
英名名称:Empire State Building(缩写:ESB) 地点:美国纽约市曼哈顿第五大道350号(350 5th Ave, New York, NY 10118, United States) 主持建筑师:William F. Lamb 建筑面积:208,879m2(2248355.0 ft2) 层数:102 结构:框架-剪力墙 屋顶高度:1,250英尺(381.0米) 最高楼层:1,224英尺(373.1米) 塔尖高度:1,454...
西文名称:Empire State Building 时间:1929年-1931年 地点:美国 纽约 曼哈顿(Manhattan, NewYork City, American) 设计者:威廉·F·兰博(William F. Lamb) 层数:102层 高度: 381米,塔尖高度 443米(Tip 443m) 帝国大厦是美国纽约的地标建筑物之一。位于曼哈顿第五大道350号、西33街与西34...
The Empire State Building, New York纽约帝国大厦Read about the passage and answer these questions.阅读文章,并回答这些问题。1 For how long was the Empire State Building the tallest building in theworld?帝国大厦在多长时间以内都是世界上最高的建筑2 Why do you think there are so many tall buildings...
Soaring 1,454 feet above Midtown Manhattan from base to antenna, the Empire State Building is the World’s Most Famous Building. Our 86th Observation Deck, open daily from 8am-2am, offers the highest 360 degree open-air vantage point in New York City. On a clear day, you can see up ...
Empire State Building New York City, New York, USA Building instructions are available on: Die Bauanleitung finden Sie auf: Vous pourrez trouver des instructions de montage sur : Encontrarás las instrucciones de construcción en: Encontrar instruções de construção em: Az építési út...
三、阅读 The Empire State Building ,New York ,选择最佳答案1. The Empire State Building was completed in A.1972 B.1931 C.2001 D.19902. Which of the following numbers has nothing to do with the Empire State Building? A. 10 million. B.6,500. C.1945. D.417.3. How many buildings in...
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