What is Emphasize? The word ‘Emphasize’ is a verb form of the noun, ‘Emphasis’. It is used in the United States and Canada. The meaning of this term is to give importance to something while saying or writing it. It is spelt with a ‘Z’. ‘Emphasize’ is a verb form that is...
“We need to de-emphasize race. And we need to emphasize respect,” Carson told reporters after the private tour with the mayor and a discussion with community leaders. (The New Pittsburgh Courier) “When I got here, I was ready to go,” she said, snapping her fingers to emphasize her ...
加强…的语气(等于emphasize )2、短语Emphasise Emphasize 强调emphasise e... 我们可能会强调他们的与众不同以及我们的家庭比一般直人家庭有... 「Zhaofu.com」_新开传奇网站_每日新服_区区火爆 「Zhaofu.com」新服网传奇,实物狂暴-低消费-劈怪爽-满级-满称号-满时装-全图进,高爆率还需看新区,玩传奇认准正版...
Emphasize vs. Emphasise No, none of them is misspelled. Both "emphasize" and "emphasise" exist in dictionaries and they are defined with the same meaning. Both verbs refer to the action of showing that something has a particular importance or is accorded special attention. ...
1. to stress, single out as important e.g. Dr. Jones emphasizes exercise in addition to a change in diet Synonym: stressemphasizepunctuateaccentaccentuate 2. give extra weight to (a communication) e.g. Her gesture emphasized her words Synonym: underscoreunderlineemphasize...
A:emphasise(or "emphasize" in the US) to bring attention to something, especially if it is considered important 查看更多回答 "Emphasise" 的用法和例句 Q:請提供關於 do(toemphasise) 的例句給我。 A:as you probably have already known, the use of sentence with 'do' is toemphasisecertain activit...
She swept her hair back from her face to emphasize her high cheekbones. 她把头发朝脸后拢,使高高的颧骨显得更为突出。 3. ~ sth 重读,强调(词或短语);加强…的语气to give extra force to a word or phrase when you are speaking, especially to show that it is important 英汉解释 v. 1. 强调...
emphasize和emphasise哪个是英式英语 我不敢肯定,但我读过的两个英国人写的书里,他们用的都是emphasise,供你参考. “emphasise”和“emphasize”有什么区别? 这两个都用作动词哦!ze是英式,se是美式。写作当中两个都可以用的。 它的名词是emphasis。拓展:1、emphasisevt. (英)强调;加强…的语气(等...emphasize...
press home,ram home,drive home- make clear by special emphasis and try to convince somebody of something; "drive home a point or an argument"; "I'm trying to drive home these basic ideas" emphasise,underline,underscore,emphasize- give extra weight to (a communication); "Her gesture emphasi...