2025 One notable difference: The committee suggested that fat-free or low-fat dairy foods be de-emphasized as items for inclusion in a healthy dietary pattern and be taken off the primary list of foods. Sandee Lamotte, CNN, 12 Dec. 2024 But when they were added, the documents never de-...
The COVID-19 pandemic has precipitated a global mental health crisis, with a particularly pronounced impact on the entrepreneurial sector. This paper presents a comparative analysis of mental health challenges among entrepreneurs in China during the pand
First published: 27 August 2021 https://doi.org/10.1155/2021/9621572 Citations: 9Academic Editor: Dejan Radovanovic Sections PDF Tools Share Abstract Asthmatics are at an increased risk of developing exacerbations after being infected by respiratory viruses such as influenza virus, parainfluenza virus...
Gestational age was added to the confounders in the analyses of Caesarean section (CS), preeclampsia and birth weight. Results In the period 1973 – 2010, 1,941,940 women had 3,761,576 singleton deliveries as registered in the MBR. This dataset was used for the descriptive analysis of the...
In Kenya, bioethanol consumption was limited because of lack of awareness among users, 25% import tariffs, and 16% value added tax (VAT) treatment. If bioethanol would benefit from fiscal exemptions by the government, it could displace charcoal [13]. Studies such as Dalberg [13] recommended ...
In this paper, we introduce a principled procedure to select the combination parameter each time a new learner is added to the ensemble, just by maximizing the associated edge parameter, calling the resulting method the dynamically adapted weighted emphasis RA (DW-RA). A number of application ...
and additional references were added. The authors take complete responsibility for the integrity and accuracy of the data. In compliance with ethics guidelines, this article is based on previously conducted studies and does not contain any studies with human participants or animals performed by any of...
This chapter is an inventory of several basic features of carbohydrate metabolism mainly in fishes. Carbohydrates are the most abundant class of energy-yielding nutrients. High digestibility of monosaccharides but slow growth is often observed in fishes.
AB: axillary bud, IM: inflorescence meristem, FB: flower bud, L: leaf, PB: pseudobulb, SAM: shoot apical vegetative meristem, −C: PCR without added cDNA as negative control. ACTIN is used as a positive control. 3. Discussion 3.1. The AGL24/SVP genes have duplicated several times ...
2261 Accesses 3 Citations 3 Altmetric Metrics details Abstract Background The segmentation of 3D cell nuclei is essential in many tasks, such as targeted molecular radiotherapies (MRT) for metastatic tumours, toxicity screening, and the observation of proliferating cells. In recent years, one ...