After Julius Caesar was murdered in 44 BC, the Roman Empire erupted into a bitter civil war. An unsteady triumvirate (or, three-way leadership) took grasp of the Roman Senate. Eventually, two politicians emerged as the forerunners for power: Mark Antony and Octavian. Mark Antony who had ...
The staff is a team of people-obsessed and news-hungry editors with decades of collective experience. We have worked as daily newspaper reporters, major national magazine editors, and as editors-in-chief of regional media publications. Among our ranks are book authors and award-winn...
Unfortunately the details of Trajan's campaign are largely lost to history.Cassius Dio'saccount is partially fragmented and lacking the military attentions of past writers, such asJulius Caesar. The other notable historians of the era,Suetonius, Tacitus, etc. did not focus much attention on the ...
He was born on September 23, 63 BC, in Rome, and he was the grandnephew and adopted son of Julius Caesar, the famous Roman general and statesman. After Julius Caesar’s assassination in 44 BC, Augustus became embroiled in a power struggle with other Roman leaders, including Mark Antony an...
Octavian sought to make peace and build alliances. The day after his then current wife, Scribonia (a relation of his new enemy Sextus Pompey), gave birth to his daughter Julia (Julia and not Octavia because Octavian referred to himself as Gaius Julius Caesar, not Octavian), he divorced her...
Just two years after his death, Caesar became the first Roman figure to be deified. The Senate also gave him the title “The Divine Julius.” A power struggle ensued in Rome, leading to the end of the Roman Republic. Caesar’s great-grandnephew Gaius Octavian played on the late ruler’...
(nîr′ō, nē′rō)Full nameNero Claudius Caesar.ad37-68. Emperor of Rome (54-68) whose early reign was dominated by his mother, Agrippina the Younger. He had his mother and wife murdered, and he was accused of setting the Great Fire of Rome (64). He committed suicide after being...
秦始皇和奥古斯都比较 First Emperor of Qin and Augustus compare AugustusCaesar FirstEmperorofQin CreatedbyNicoleTangSUISShanghai,Grade6 AugustusCaesarwasaRomanstatemanandmilitaryleaderwhobecamethefirstemperoroftheRomanEmpire,from27BCtoAD14.Hewasa AfterJuliusCaesarwasassassinated,Romedivided intothreeparts.Gaius...
With the death of Nero, the Julio-Claudian dynasty came to an end after over a century of supreme power. The line quite simply no longer existed, as family members had been routinely purged with each new reign. And thus, what began with the great conquerorJulius Caesar, and continued by...
Still, 476 AD does serve as a powerful historical marker. First, it underscores how political and military authority in the West had diffused to the point of irrelevance for the Roman imperial office. Second, it neatly marks the moment after which no new Western Emperor was installed - a rec...