(Ickes, 1997), an affective response more appropriate to someoneelse’ssituation (Hoffman, 1982), another-oriented emotional response (Batson et al., 1997), or an affective response that stems from the apprehension or comprehension of another’semotional state(Eisenberg, 2000). In the field of...
Delivering empathy consulting, life coaching, talk therapy, publishing, and education that expands empathy, empowerment, and results
12.Emotion and Empathy in College English Teaching;运用心理学移情原理消除师生的情感障碍 13.Dancing in the Field of Counseling:Differences and Conformity of Empathy and Transference在咨询的世界共舞——共情与移情区别与整合 14.showing empathy or ready comprehension of others' states.显示出移情的或准备理...
dramatists, and writers have created stories that allow audiences and readers to identify with characters from various experiences and backgrounds, leading to a deeper comprehension of the intricacies of interpersonal relationships
As Stein's phase-model makes clear, only by first passively recognizing and being affected by the other's expressivity, and having my attention drawn into the directedness of her own experiencing do I arrive at an understanding which could furnish an “object-like” comprehension of my friend'...
3.Identification with and understanding of another's situation, feelings, and motives.移情作用认同和理解别人的处境、感情和动机 4.characterized by understanding based on comprehension and discernment and empathy.以建立在判断力、辨别力和移情作用基础之上的理解力为特点的。 5.In order to meet these requir...
Yet, there is more. It seems to me, in fact, that empathy is the key to a comprehension of the other which is sensitive to their proper ontological status and to the special way in which weare withthe other. Consider, for example, the words of Heidegger inBeing and Time, which remain...
This study therefore aimed to explore the role of learners' empathy in their behavioral intentions and reading comprehension when engaged in a learning activity of literary reading by virtual reality (VR) with a head-mounted display. There were 38 higher ...
It argues that for young readers who may not yet have developed full comprehension of fundamental moral issues and who have not attained the literary competence necessary to understand fictive characters' mental processes, representation of emotions in literature may produce a problem. Since guilt is ...
empathy among physicians in patient-care setting. The Jefferson Scale of Physician Empathy (JSPE) was developed by researchers at the Center for Research in Medical Education and Health Care (CRMEHC) at Jefferson Medical College to measure empathy among physicians, health professionals and medical ...