The article discusses the difference between reactive listening and empathetic listening with reference to communication of veterinarians with their clients. It states that reactive listening contains responses such as interrupt, probe or interpret where veterinarians convey their personal view concerning ...
29 Breyer con-ceptualises a common, an empathic space that is formed by the two partners of an intersubjective encounter:The other co-designs the empathetic space by allowing me to develop a deeper understand-ing of his/her circumstances. This means that the other, him/herself, provides me ...
Celebrating Empathic and Gifted People, Toxic Versus Supportive Friendships and Relationships, Spirituality Through Curiosity, and Nature Trips
listening with sensitivity, matching their every move... walking beside the [patient]” (p. 18). When experienced with self-awareness, clinical empathy shows to be a mutually healing connection with the patient (Kearney
Habel, U.; Windischberger, C.; Derntl, B.; Robinson, S.; Kryspin-Exner, I.; Gur, R.C.; Moser, E. Amygdala activation and facial expressions: Explicit emotion discrimination versus implicit emotion processing.Neuropsychologia2007,45, 2369–2377. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] [PubMed] ...
Its interaction with the human would be much more empathetic. The human would then have to learn to decipher the cobot’s language correctly in order to interact with it. The interaction between human and cobot would be similar in many respects to that between human and social robot. The ...