create table XXX as select * from XXXX where 1 = 0; -- 条件不成立,数据永远不会写进来 1. 2. 4.2.1 Join原理 A join B,将B表全部加载到内存中,A表中的数据会逐条匹配内存中的B表。 4.2.2 用IN代替JOIN 当多表联查时,查询的数据仅从其中一张表出时,可以考虑从IN操作而不是JOIN select table...
牛客SQL7--查找薪水涨幅超过15次的员工号emp_no以及其对应的涨幅次数t 题目描述 有一个薪水表,salaries简况如下: 建表语句如下: 1 2 3 4 5 6 CREATE TABLE `salaries` ( `emp_no` int(11) NOT NULL, `salary` int(11) NOT NULL, `from_date` date&... ...
create table emp(empno int,ename varchar(10),job varchar(9),sal1 DECIMAL(10,2),sal2 DECIMAL(10,2), deptno int); -- 插入10条数据: INSERT INTO emp VALUES (1, 'smith', 'clerk', 800.00,910,10); INSERT INTO emp VALUES (2, 'allen', 'salesman', 1600.00,5491,30); INSERT INTO emp...
1.题目描述查找所有员工自入职以来的薪水涨幅情况,给出员工编号emp_no以及其对应的薪水涨幅growth,并按照growth进行升序CREATETABLEemployees(emp_noint(11)NOTNULL,birth_datedateNOTNULL,first_namevarchar(14)NOTNULL,last_namevarchar(16 SQL-1-查找最晚入职员工的所有信息 ...
PrintoutTableReports_TransferInvM15_RU Class [AX 2012] PRLW2File Class [AX 2012] ProcCategoryCommodityCodesContract Class [AX 2012] ProcCategoryCommodityCodesDP Class [AX 2012] ProcCategoryComodityCodesUIBuilder Class [AX 2012] ProcCategoryContract Class [AX 2012] ...
You need to create a role that allows a group of users to modify existing rows in the STUDENT_GRADES table. Which set of statements accomplishes this? () A. CREATE ROLL registrar; GRANT MODIFY ON student_grant TO registrar; GRANT registrar to user 1, user2, user3 B. CREATE NEW ROLE ...
所以我试图创建一个触发器,但是总是有一个错误触发器LOG_SALARY编译行/错误错误(2,2):PL/ SQL :忽略错误(3,9):PL/SQL:ora-00934:group函数在这里是不允许的 这是我的密码 '''alter table department add AVG_SALARY number(10); alter table department add MAX_SALARY number(10); alter table departmen...
Examine the description of the EMPLOYEES table:EMP_ID NUMBER(4) NOT NULLLAST_NAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULLFIRST_NAME VARCHAR2(30)DEPT_ID NUMBER(2)Which statement produces the number of different departments that have employees with last name Smith? () A. SELECT COUNT (*) FROM employees WHERE...
Table B-5 Reports Checklist CategoryChecklist Item SQL Usage Information Publisher Reports only Ensure that NamedSQL is used rather than a raw SQL statement parameter in a report. Oracle recommends using Named SQL because it makes patching and changing your SQL more robust. If a user does a CRE...
Table 9-1 Key Elements Used to Define Discovery Metadata ElementDescription SqlStatements The SqlStatements element contains the SQL statements that enable you to access information stored in the Management Repository. For more information about these SQL statements, see Packaged SQL and the Query Servi...