mysql> select deptno,dname from dept; 1. 2. 查询所有字段 //第一种方式:可以把每个字段都写上 //mysql> select a,b,c,d,e,f... from tablename; //第二种方式:可以使用* mysql> select * from dept; //这种方式的缺点:1、效率低 2、可读性差。在实际开发中不建议,可以自己玩没问题。 //你...
1.2 创建表(dept): createtabledept (deptnointprimarykey, dname nvarchar(30), loc nvarchar(30))defaultcharactersetutf8; 1.3 创建表(emp): createtableemp ( empnointprimarykey, ename nvarchar(30), job nvarchar(30), mgrint, hiredate datetime, saldecimal(6.2), commdecimal(6.2), deptnoint,foreignk...
2.创建表(dept): create table dept (deptno int primary key, dname nvarchar(30), loc nvarchar(30)) default character set utf8; 3.创建表(emp): create table emp ( empno int primary key, ename nvarchar(30), job nvarchar(30), mgr int , hiredate datetime, sal decimal(6.2), comm decimal...
SQL Server 2017: I have the EMP_DEPT (SCOTT schema) database with a few additional records inserted. Two of them have ZERO base salary (PORTMAN, RENO) and one employee (MCQUEEN) has NULL in the salary column. It looks like this: Then I'm learning SQL on these rec...
and sdept in ('cs','is') l针对bookshop数据库: 1.查找表中所有姓刘的职工的工号,姓名,部门,薪水 select emp_no, emp_name, dept, salary from employee where emp_name like '刘%' 2.查所有图书8折后的价格 select book_name书名,price原价, cast(price*0.8 as numeric(5,1))折后价 from books...
时间限制:1秒 空间限制:32768K 题目描述 获取所有部门当前manager的当前薪水情况,给出dept_no, emp_no以及salary,当前表示to_date=‘9999-01-01’ CREATE TABLE dept_manager ( dept_no char(4) NOT NULL, emp_no int(11) NOT NULL, from_date ... ...
Daddr),创建这两个关系的SQL语句如下: CREATE TABLE Emp( Eno CHAR(4), Ename CHAR(8), Esex CHAR(1) CHECK(Esex IN ('M', 'F')), EDno CHAR(4) REFERENCES Dept(Dno), PRIMARY KEY (Eno) ); CREATE TABLE Dept( Dno CHAR(4) NOT NULL UNIQUE, ...
Oracle_PLSQL 最强悍的Oracle_PLSQL学习资源 上传者:ziranzhifeng时间:2012-07-03 oracle各版本scott用户脚本 内容为oracle示例表scott模式,建表语句和初始化语句。DEPT,EMP,BONUS,SALGRADE,可以使用oracle提供的语法格式进行学习。适合oracle的初学者,也适合对oracle精通者,长期未使用oracle后,快速复习的练习脚本。
You created a view called EMP_DEPT_VU that contains three columns from the EMPLOYEES and DEPARTMENTS tables:EMPLOYEE_ID, EMPLOYEE_NAME AND DEPARTMENT_NAME.The DEPARTMENT_ID column of the EMPLOYEES table is the foreign key to the primary key..