Real-Life Examples of Emotive Language Example 1: Non-emotive version: Another person in the bar was injured by the man's glass. Emotive version: An innocent bystander suffered facial injuries when the thug launched his glass across the bar. ...
Emotive language is words and phrases chosen for their emotion impact. For example, a statement without emotive language is: I drove my car to the store. Emotive language changes the perspective and impact of this statement: I angrily sped through town in my dilapidated car until I reached...
1. What is an example of emotive language? A timid boy was attacked by some bullies in the middle of a road – this is an example of emotive language. Timid, attacked and bullies are the emotive words here. 2. What is descriptive and emotive language?
Further, deliberate choices of words can provoke emotion. Any word that causes an emotional reaction is an example of emotive language. Emotive words or phrases can alter the tone of a sentence and elicit emotional responses from the audience. It can either be an intentional use of words or a...
More Commonly Misspelled Words Popular in Wordplay See All 8 Words with Fascinating Histories 8 Words for Lesser-Known Musical Instruments Birds Say the Darndest Things 10 Scrabble Words Without Any Vowels 12 More Bird Names that Sound Like Insults (and Sometimes Are)...
Emotive Language - Wikispaces:情绪化的语言Wikispaces EmotiveLanguage Choiceofwordspackedwithemotioncaninfluenceanaudiencefororagainstyourideas,tobewithyouoragainstyou.PositiveWords Warmfuzzywordsthathelptogettheaudienceonyourside.Example:Imaginetheperfectscene,notacareintheworld!NegativeWords Wordsthatmakeyour...
EmotiveLanguageChoiceofwordspackedwithemotioncaninfluenceanaudiencefororagainstyourideas,tobewithyouoragainstyou. Warmfuzzywordsthathelptogettheaudienceonyourside.Example:Imaginetheperfectscene,notacareintheworld!PositiveWords WordsthatmakeyouraudienceagainstsomethingormakethemdislikeanideaExample:Fromadistanceyouseethe...
wikispacesemotive情绪化language语言repetition Emotive Language Choice of words packed with emotion can influence an audience for or against your ideas, to be with you or against you. Warm fuzzy words that help to get the audience on your side. Example: Imagine the perfect scene, not a care in...
Emotive Language - Wikispaces:情绪化的语言Wikispaces Emotive Language Choice of words packed with emotion can influence an audience for or against your ideas, to be with you or against you. Warm fuzzy words that help to get the audience on your side. Example: Imagine the perfect scene, not ...
emotive language/words Capital punishment is a highlyemotive issue. Oxford Collocations Dictionary Word Origin Join us Join our community to access the latest language learning and assessment tips from Oxford University Press! Seeemotivein the Oxford Advanced American DictionarySeeemotivein the Oxford Lear...