Create an Understanding Feelings Worksheet Pricing for Schools & Districts Introductory School Offer Includes: 1 School 5 Teachers for One Year 1 Hour of Virtual PD Email Me a Quote! 30 Day Money Back Guarantee • New Customers Only • Full Price After Introductory Offer • Access is for ...
Over the past 40 years, several frameworks have emerged to describe and categorize emotions. Among these are thePlutchik Wheel of EmotionsandEkmans’ Atlas of Emotions. For this article, we will focus on a tree-like framework created by Dr. Phillip Shaver and his colleagues at the University ...
Download the Printable Emotion Faces Worksheet presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides and easily edit it to fit your own lesson plan! Designed specifically for elementary school education, this eye-catching design features engaging graphics, and age-appropriate fonts; elements that capture the stud...
You might have even already taken then to a tutoring center and they hated it. Maybe they felt embarrassed that someone they knew might see them. Maybe they were just turned off by having to do worksheet after worksheet. And even though it was supposed to solve the problem, the tutoring ...
holding you back. At the top of a sheet of paper, write “My Baggage List,” then create 5 different columns on your paper with the following headers:Issue, Blame, Consequence, Opportunity, Fix. (If you’d like you can download this worksheet as a PDF
Finally, another study (Doppelt and Schunn 2008) empha- sized the importance of a well-prepared instructional design documentation worksheet. The Assessment Component this study showed that children expressed relatively high levels of interest at the beginning of the semester. However, their situational...
Finally, they were asked to complete a worksheet on which they could recall certain lived moments and identify the emotions they had experienced. In the second meeting, narrations guided by stimulus images on the theme of the pandemic and distance from loved ones was used. At the conclusion ...
Achievement emotions.Students rated their achievement emotions based on eight emotions provided. As a significantly stronger correlation between negative emotions and teacher support has been found for primary and middle school students [85], we used only the negative emotions with the highest mean value...