Amygdala and hypothalamus are reciprocally interconnected and act as a unit. In both structures it is possible to distinguish positive and negative hedonic systems, as well as excitatory and inhibitory ones. Specific and generally modulating functions of these structures are interrelated. Within the ...
The amygdala is the house where all of our emotions are stored.One of its main functions is to help us to recognize potential threats when we encounter them. When doing this, it revs the body up in preparation for a fight or flight response by increasing our breathing and heart rates. It...
Smells can spark memories and emotions due to (1). (2), the part of the brain converting neural signals into smells, is (3)___ the amygdala and hippocampus which process emotions and memory respectively. However, this connection may be particularly relevant to (4)___ when smells are fir...
involving psychological, cognitive and biological processes. The cognitive control of emotion involves an interaction between the brain's ancient and subcortical emotion systems (such as the periaqueductal grey, hypothalamus and the amygdala), and the cognitive control systems of the prefrontal and cingu...
(an evolutionary requirement)and triggers emotions that compel us to dodge a situation or fight it. The amygdala influences whether your audience will sit and go through your course or leave it midway. As instructional designers, you should first stir the right emotions in your learners. Based ...
the “visceral brain,” later the limbic system. The role of the amygdala in emotion and fear regulation is supported by both animal experiments and human psychopathological studies. Overlapping neurocircuitry, such as widespread connections between the amygdala and the medial and prefrontal cortex (...
And we either gave them a full night of sleep or we sleep-deprived them. And then the next day, we placed them inside an MRI scanner, and we looked at how their emotional brain was reacting. And we focused on one structure in particular, it’s called the amygdala. And the amygdala ...
It’s part of our fight-or-flight response, triggered by the part of our brain called the amygdala. The amygdala controls intense emotions like fear. Sometimes, when we’re overcome by stress, we can experience amygdala hijack. Research indicates that the amygdala can sense dangerous things ...
By comparison of motivational excitation with available stimuli or their engrams, the amygdala selects a dominant motivation, destined to be satisfied in the first instance. In the cases of classical conditioning and escape reaction the reinforcement was related to involvement of the negative emotion'...
Tension-related activity in the orbitofrontal cortex and amygdala: an fMRI study with music. Tonal music is characterized by a continuous flow of tension and resolution. This flow of tension and resolution is closely related to processes of expecta... Lehne,Moritz,Rohrmeier,... - 《Social Cogni...