Our struggle to make sense of what happened often compounds our initial shock and sends us on a desperate quest to integrate our new realities into a framework of fundamental beliefs that no longer provide us with the security they once did. Indeed, such “crises of faith” are common. We ...
acceptance. The difference of losing someone you love is the knowledge they are gone forever. If only you could book a flight to go and see them occasionally or even just once more … It’s a shock to find you have no choice, they are out of reach and the timing and nature of their...
To avoid being written off, a robot should react positively to a person’s art, without showing shock, fear, or disgust [83]. Likewise, to deal with initial negative feelings, the robot should seek to create an atmosphere that is positive and non-judgemental. To avoid communicating private ...
February, he literally just dropped dead. His heart stopped. He was a healthy guy, so this was a huge shock. As you can imagine, we were devastated. My mom went even further off the deep end and began threatening to kill herself... then we found out my dad had been cheating on her...
I still had said nothing, myself being in a bit of shock. “Can we just talk about it tomorrow?” That next morning:Sitting on the Bay window’s ledge, dawn began its break on to her partially naked body..Tossed pillows and sheets became clouds that softly wrapped her inward, while...