For example, we know that sleep, or lack thereof, affects emotional self-regulation. Still, very few children and teenagers understand the value of sleep. You can talk all day long about “you’ll be less cranky if you go to bed on time” but few teens and tweens appreciate this advice...
Skills for Big Feelings is a social emotional learning curriculum for educators & counselors who wish to teach youth coping strategies, relaxation techniques, and self regulation skills. This comprehensive social-emotional learning book is based on cognitive-behavioral therapy techniques (CBT) and include...
Information about parent-child interactions in clinical settings can be obtained from sorting techniques and rating scales. The Attachment Q-Set (as described by Querido and Eyberg)82is a measure of a child's attachment related behaviors. Parents sort 90 behavioral dimensions of security, dependency...
Matt uses a variety of clinical techniques and approaches based on the individual needs of the client and family, including Interpersonal Process Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Existential Theory. Overall, he works with all clients to navigate the many transitions of life with a focus on...
Exercises to Improve Self-Regulation “Sesame Street” teaches self-regulation through more than just situational modeling. It also makes use of easy-to-follow techniques that emphasize pausing, naming the emotion you’re feeling, and implementing a strategy you know for controlling it: [Free Parent...
Jeanine Joy is making sure she has responses that are filled with practical techniques that can be used in real life and explained quickly enough to make the show rich with actionable techniques. She’d love to be part of a catalyst that creates an upward spiral for military spouses. ...
This study explored students’ prosocial efficacy and reading outcomes in a culturally relevant summer reading program for underrepresented students. From a positive developmental approach, the reading program focuses on topics rooted in multicultural education, with books organized according to themes such ...
There are many preteens and early teens who take up social action on behalf of others, actions that become large-scale operations extending over many states, or even many nations. For example, raising thousands of dollars for deaf and blind children, vic- tims of abuse, sending over 100,...
We have started speech therapy following a formal assessment and in a very short period of time, my son has started to demonstrate marked improvements in things like using greetings and saying please/thank you. I feel conflicted – on the one hand, the techniques use...
Working with a therapist and using CBT techniques can be the first steps you take in identifying dysfunctional emotions and learning emotional regulation. Then, you can transform those into healthier, more productive ways of navigating your world around emotional triggers.Sources...