Sources of Emotions--Handout ___ 30 Appendix H: Sadness, Anger, Fear, Shame ___ 32 Appendix I: Exploring the Sources of Emotions ___ 39 Appendix J: I am a Good Person ___ 42 Appendix K: Evaluating Automatic Thoughts _
The core of all emotion regulation difficulties has been pointed out to be neuroticism/behavioral inhibition (N/BI) [34, 43, 44]. Previous research supports the role of N/BI in accounting for the onset, overlap, and maintenance of ED [33, 44–46]. Literature has also highlighted the role...
This subtheme describes the process of the group as one of gaining specific skills and resources that will be beneficial in the future. Many participants spoke about “the folder”, a handout of all the slides and exercises, which they used as a physical reminder to prompt them when they ...