Neural Correlates of Emotion Reactivity and Regulation in Young Children with ADHD Symptoms Article 12 May 2017 Executive Functioning and Emotion Regulation in Children with and without ADHD Article 11 November 2021 Data availability No datasets were generated or analysed during the current study. ...
Activity in the visual cortex decreased with increasing age, more adaptive emotion regulation and less anxiety. Results demonstrate that reappraisal changed activity within a frontoparietal network in children. Decreasing activity in the visual cortex with increasing age is suggested to reflect neural ...
(2014). Emotion regulation in children with emotional problems. Cognitive Therapy Research, 38, 493-504.Braet C, Theuwis L, Van Durme K, et al. (2014) Emotion regulation in children with emotional problems. Cognit Ther Res 38, 493-504....
2008. Development of emotional and behavioral regulation in children born extremely preterm and very preterm: biological and social influences. Child Dev. 79:1444-1462.Clark CAC, Woodward LJ. Development of emotional and behavioral regulation in children born extremely preterm and very preterm: ...
I have not put ages for the different stages here, because children range widely in their emotional development. I have known some preschoolers who were often working at stage 4. My child at age 9 is still struggling with stage 4. He’s autistic, and emotional regulation is a big challenge...
Emotional regulation is studied from the angle of coping strategies. Sample(s): Participants were 269 children aged 8.17-11.66 years old (Mean = 9.8, SD = 0.88). Methods: They completed a French version of the 'The Metacognitive Experiences Questionnaire' developed by Efklides and Petkaki (...
These differences may be due to age-related differences in the availability of cognitive resources (e.g., [17]) or to differences in emotional regulation (e.g., [18]). This point is also important with regard to development. For example, children, like older adults, present specific ...
The first section refers to the capacity of the educator to respond to children’s emotions and support them in emotional regulation and it has 3 sub-scales: Coaching, comprising 7 items (awareness, acceptance and regulation of the children’s emotions. Example: “When a child is angry, it ...
The pattern was reversed for children of mothers who did not tend to use food for emotion regulation. There were no significant effects of maternal use of restriction, pressure to eat, and use of foods as a reward on children’s snack food consumption. Conclusions: Children of mothers who ...
Cognitive emotion regulation strategies and emotional problems in 9-11-year-old children: The development of an instrument (2007). Cognitive emotion regulation strategies and emotional problems in 9-11-year-old children: the development of an instrument. European Child & ... N Garnefski,C Rieffe...