Emotional intelligence (EI) is a basic concept in psychology that is gaining social importance. According to Goleman, it refers to the ability to be aware of and to handle one's emotions in varying situations. Current research indicates that EI can be improved through training, leading to an ...
The term emotional intelligence is perhaps one of the trendiest buzzwords in modern organizational psychology. Since author Daniel Goleman first published the book by the same name in 1995, the term ‘emotional intelligence’ has seen exponential growth
Thanks to his book “Emotional Intelligence – Why it can matter more than IQ” in 1995 EQ became a widely known term. The connection to leadership was clear to many from the start, and Goleman remarked there is astrong connection between emotional intelligence and successful leadership, going ...
According to psychologist Daniel Goleman, who popularized and wrote extensively about the concept, five key skills contribute to emotional intelligence. This article discusses how you can improve these critical emotional intelligence skills, thereby raising your EQ. 1 Self-Awareness Tom Werner / Getty I...
The concept of emotional intelligence is well-known today, but it only sprang to prominence after the publication of this book by Daniel Goleman. Find out more about it in this Book Insight.
According to Mr. Goleman, emotional intelligence in practical terms “means being aware that emotions can drive our behavior and impact people (positively and negatively) and learning how to manage those emotions—both our own and others—especially when we are under pressure.” You may recognize ...
The concept of EQ was popularized in 1995 byDaniel Goleman, a psychologist and science journalist, who wrote, “Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ.” As the title suggests, Goleman examines the importance of a person's intelligence quotient (IQ) when compared against their ...
情商 为什么情商比智商更重要 Daniel Goleman 英文原版 Emotional Intelligence 丹尼尔戈尔曼 Goleman 进口英语畅销书籍 认识自我潜能、获得成功的重量级好书女王节,百万图书低至9.9元包邮 ¥55.00 降价通知 限时抢 暂无评分 15人评分精彩评分送积分 我要写评论 ...
- Aristotle 有那么一种人,特别爱生气。 我就是那么一种人。非常善于发现生活的点滴,把自己吹的气鼓鼓的。 Emotional intelligence这本书,是在分析情商,挑战Aristotle challenge. 于是决定读下去,记录一下心里里程。 阶段一: 没读明白。好像比以前更爱生气了。
According to emotional intelligence expert and author Daniel Goleman, emotional intelligence accounts for nearly 90% of what sets high-performing leaders apart from others with similar skills and knowledge. Leaders set the tone of their teams and organizations, and when leaders lack strong EQ, that...