Some of you might have already come across an Asian guy saying “Emotional Damage” at the end of a video either on TikTok.一些人可能已经在TikTok上刷到过一个亚洲人在视频结尾说“Emotional Damage”。 这个表情包最近又火回了国内,网友们一下子get了这个词的用法,瞬间成为emotional damage的12级学者。
This leads to more obsessive thoughts such as ‘Oh my God, I’m interested in this guy when I am already in a relationship’, and this leads to a lot of feelings of fear, shame, and guilt and inevitably a lot of uncertainty about the future of the relationship. As already explained t...
Some of you might have already come across an Asian guy saying “Emotional Damage” at the end ...
Some of you might have already come across an Asian guy saying “Emotional Damage” at the end ...
正常的解释是情绪上的伤害,可以指使人焦虑,抑郁之类的。Steven he,这个视频里的哥们是个搞笑视频主。
部分原因是情绪虐待经常利用 或者造成人之间的权力不平等。 尤其是在应该保证安全、 关怀、信任的关系中。