《当代医学·英语综合教程II—关注健康》Chapter5 forkn.infuriateda.slamv.unnervinga.consolev.tailgatev.constrictv.spewv.分歧,分叉,使成叉形愤怒的,狂怒的猛攻,使劲干,砰地关上丧失勇气的,身心交疲的安慰,慰问紧跟前面的车辆之后行驶收缩,压缩,使收缩,妨害喷出,涌出,渗出,呕吐 《当代医学·英语综合...
damage property D. resist hostility 2. Intermittent explosive disorder is due to _. A. hostility, violence and attack B. traffic congestion on the road C. an imbalance in brain chemicals D. aggressive actions of angry drivers,3. Which of the following information abo 20、ut intermittent ...
damage property D. resist hostility ?2. Intermittent explosive disorder is due to ___. A. hostility, violence and attack B. traffic congestion on the road C. an imbalance in brain chemicals D. aggressive actions of angry drivers 3. Which of the following information about intermittent explosive...
文档标签: 医学英语Chapter5_EmotionalandMentalHealth 系统标签: chapter医学mentalhealthemotional英语 《当代医学·英语综合教程II—关注健康》 Chapter5 Emotionaland MentalHealth 《当代医学·英语综合教程II—关注健康》 Chapter5 VocabularyPreview andExercise Readthefollowingwordsandphrases, relatingthemtotheirChineseequ...